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General, and June 1995

I often go down to Brighton for the weekend, and sometimes take a few piccies.

Pebble Sculptures

Art and Craft

These sculptures made out of beach pebbles and chicken wire were made by a local artist. They were high maintenance (pebbles kept falling out) but looked novel and fantastic, rising out of the beach. Fortunately flared trousers were back in fashion at the time, since this helped a bit with the stability!

Brighton Pride

Brighton Pride

Pride (June 1995)

Brighton is one of the three main centres of gay life in the U.K, along with London and Manchester. Pride there is still quite fun, although now it is getting bigger, with a big influx of gay Londoners down for the day. I recognise more people there than at London gay pride, which is overrun by straight Londoners and gay people from up north.

Brighton Pride


Brighton prides itself on being a liberal and laid-back place. You can see in this corner-shop window adverts for male escorts as well as the more staid flats-to-let and missing cats style adverts.

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